Welcome to Main Squeeze (getitpure.blogspot.com)!
- If you've stumbled upon this blog because you were searching for an image, you should know that this blog only contains nice images!
- If you've stumbled upon this blog because you googled "finding love," you should know that this blog is bent on helping you find love in the best possible way--no guilt relationships, no feeling of "owing" anyone, and definitely none of that "I'm sticking with him because I gave him everything."
- If you've stumbled upon this blog because you are looking for reasons to keep love pure, then you've come to the right place!
BUT FIRST this is just an introduction. Pure love, or chastity, is needed so much nowadays, because many things in the mainstream media and the youth culture have made the impression that the opposites of chastity, purity and modesty are way cooler. This blog is not "free PR" for chastity. It's not here to sell the idea of chastity to unsuspecting youth. Instead, it is here to show that living the virtue is possible for anyone (singles, marrieds, and even those with a past)... and results in a person who is happy and free!
I hope you'll all enjoy reading!
"When you decide firmly to lead a clean life, chastity will not be a burden on you; it will be a crown of triumph."-St. Josemaria Escriva.