Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Quick tips for Guys: Relationship Rules of Thumb

I know you guys don't like reading long stuff so this will be quick. Here are a few pointers to help ease that daunting task of finding the right girl.

1) Date only the girl you can see as your girlfriend. Make friends with a lot of girls, but ask out the one you feel is the one whose hand you want to hold.

2) Go steady only with the girl you can see as your wife. As you get to know your date more, you can think seriously on asking her to be your girlfriend only if you want her to be the one you will grow old with.

3) Marry only the woman you can love as a sister. Sounds weird, but let me explain. The big difference between courtship and marriage is that marriage is the next step in a loving relationship: it includes giving of the self in order to become one and to have kids. Okay, so maybe some people will tell you otherwise, but you can't deny that this is the natural and basic thing. SO, if you can love that woman for her whole being, without thinking of sex; if you can love her with a will to protect her as you would your mother or your sister, then she may just be the right girl.

I use "may" because these pointers are here only to help you when you're thinking things through. As in every thing, pray hard about it before making the next step. Love is not just about feelings; most of the time, the feelings are only there at the start. To love is a decision, so you have to make it with your full will, with faith, and with perseverance. It may sound difficult here, but it's not when you put your heart in the right place and keep it pure.

Good luck! :-)

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